Become a member

We would be delighted to welcoming you as a new member of our sports association. To facilitate the organization of our courses, we ask you to indicate the courses you want to take. Of course, you are always free to take any courses for which you paid your membership. If you have never participated in a Nordic Walking Course, we kindly ask you to contact the respective trainer before the training.

What is included in a membership?

  • Desired participation to all regular Fitness and/or Nordic Walking courses;
  • Participation at the Annual General Meeting (usually in March);
  • Preferential right to make reservations at club events (day trips, travel, etc.)

Membership fee per person and calendar year (January-December):

Fitness: 200 €
Nordic Walking : 120€
Combination of Nordic Walking & Fitness: 300€

Membership fee per person and semi-annual (September-December):

Fitness: 100 €
Nordic Walking : 60€
Combination of Fitness & Nordic Walking: 150€

Bank Details

IBAN: LU42 0090 0000 0420 7494
Account holder: MOVIN’andethana asbl
Purpose of communication:
e.g.: FITNESS or NW or COMBI + name(s) of participant


Please note that no refund during the year is possible.

Online registration form
